Wednesday, December 31, 2014

27 inch 4K monitor. Finally we have at least two choices.

4k monitors are rolling out in different sizes and configurations slowly. Most manufacturers like samsung, dell, asus, lenovo, acer etc has 28 inch models. But what if 28 inch is too big and 24 too small for you.
We there is a good news. Finally we have least two choices the  Dell  2715Q and Asus PB279Q

Dell 2715Q

Asus PB279Q

The best part is both of these are IPS @ 60Hz and both have prices below 800$. Actually Dell's price is 699$ and Asus is not on sale yet but the price the announced price is 799$

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Dell 2414Q vs Dell 2415Q 4K monitors

If you are in the market for 24 inch 4k monitor, you dont have many choices. Currently Dell is the only mainstream manufacturer who is selling a 4K monitor in 24 inch size.
Late last year Dell 2414Q was release and now in December 2014 dell has announced another 24 inch 4k monitor Dell 2415Q at a cheaper price (600$ as opposed to 2414Q which is still selling at 870$ on dells website)

So whats going on here, I initially thought the new monitor may be a TN panel or may have low refresh rate, but I was confused to see that they are both IPS and actually have pretty similar specs
Here is the comparison:

On the left are the specs for 2414Q and on the right you can see 2414Q

As you can see they are both IPS, with same resolution and both support 1.07 billion colors. 
The only difference I found is that the more expensive 2414Q covers 100% adobe SRGB while the cheaper 2415 covers 99% SRGB. Also the more pricier 2414Q belongs to dell legendy Ultrasharp series while 2415 Q does not.
I think the difference would be hardly noticeable for ordinary users. If you are professional who has strong faith in Ultrasharp series and 1% difference in sRGB matters to you than it may be worth spending 270 dollars but for 99% percent users, 2415Q offers a much greater value for money.

Please comment to let me know what you think.